I'm excited for the new year! What is in store for us all in 2011? I certainly don't know but I look forward to finding out. As my computer cat and I think toward January, I know that he is very happy to be here at all! You see, in July, Daytona was hit by a car and left in a driveway in Sgt. Bluff, IA. Paw Prints got a call about an injured cat and of course, Beth (my Paw Prints partner) said to take him to the vet. Several hundred dollars and a surgery later, Daytona was nicely recovering. I was in Yellowstone on vacation with my family at the time, but was aware of the situation. When I got back, I went to the vet to take him home for recovery instead of leaving him there. He stayed in a kennel for a few days, then was very timid and wouldn't even come upstairs for weeks. Slowly and surely, his leg gained strength and he was soon bounding around with my other three cats. He's currently "up for adoption", but I like to think that he's already my cat. He follows me around the house, loves to purr on my lap as we do computer tasks, and he plays well with the others.

I appreciate the person calling Beth about him. I appreciate the vet who repaired his broken leg. I appreciate my husband for letting me bring him home and letting him still be here. He's basically part of the family and I really do love him! One little blessing for me, one huge blessing for Daytona. That leads me to my next venture of the winter/spring.....RUNNING FOR A PAWS.
I'm on Week 1 of my marathon training program. I started on Monday the 27th and have 18 weeks ahead of me. It will all come to a head on May 1st in Lincoln, Nebraska. I'm hoping to run the marathon of a lifetime and also raise money for Paw Prints along the way. It's a lot to take on, but Sioux City is so much better off having Paw Prints here. It's the ONLY place in the area in in most of the entire tri-states where you can bring a cat or call about a stray cat and know that if we can help with it, it will never be euthanized. It's a safe haven for cats where they can just be cats~ no kennels (unless in time out or behavior training). We can only take in so many cats and we have to have funds to do so. So my passions come together and I will do my best at raising my goal and running my goal time. While I hesitate to disclose my goal running time, I will be happy to disclose my fundraising goal.... $5,000. It's really not that much considering that $100,000 was raised in December alone for toys for kids. Anyway, if you're reading this, I hope you can be a part of this goal. Join me in making Sioux City a standout for the way they treat cats.... join me in Running for a Paws!