This picture is of a cool firework we had (in Nebraska). I think it is a John Deere tractor. It's hard to say. We had a tank, a firetruck, and a tractor. They are difficult to take pictures of!
This week went fast! And slow when the boys were grumpy. Here's some updates from this week. First of all, a few cats were returned to Paw Prints. People adopt kittens because they are oh-so-cute and when it's time to move to a new apartment, they return them when the new landlord doesn't take cats. Well, it's time to take responsibility for your animal that YOU chose to adopt and find a place that does take cats! That is what owners do. They are not shirts, they are animals and you are to take care of them. That is what adoption means. Sorry, but people who do this drive me nuts.
Paw Prints is not participating in ArtSplash this year. It will take a lot of money up front and then with all the other booths, it may never be returned, plus it takes a LOT of time to prepare for and work these things. Their time is better spent getting money another way.
The Chili's day was dismal. Only $37 was collected so I assume that no one else came who was given vouchers and no one requested them when they came to eat there. The good thing that came from it is that Chili's wants to give Paw Prints a full week in August, October, and December and also allow them to put up literature and info on cats up for adoption. This should make a big difference. Now only to design the table tents....
I had a Tupperware party and they provide fundraising opportunities. The products are more limited and some prices are higher, but the organization you are raising money for gets 40%. With just a few orders, I raised $135 for Paw Prints, plus we get something to have and use at home! What a deal. I urge anyone who wants to raise money for a non-profit to have a Tupperware party. There are so many other things I wanted to order but my wallet said "NO".
I went for a run this morning and if only I hadn't pushed the 10 minute snooze. I thought there was a little distant lightning and by the time I got the furthest away from home, it was getting a little scary and started sprinkling. I can handle the rain just fine, but not the lightning. Thank goodness my parents live closer to where I was! I stopped by there to call my hubby (of course the kids were up because of the thunder- they don't sleep through anything) and he had to come get me. I've never had that happen before!
Time to get some boys down for naps so we can have a good night camping. Yes, camping. We shall see!
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