I went downstairs to check on the kitties this morning and to also start the weekly family laundry task. I was quickly surrounded by sweet kittens and cats wanting my love and so ready to give me their love. What a good way to start off the day! Lovey and Velvet were spayed on Monday. Lovey is acting like nothing ever happened. Velvet is taking it slow for now. I hope to goodness she doesn't get sick after going through so much. She was walking around and stretching earlier, so that's a good sign. If only I could get her kittens off of her...they are old enough to leave her alone!
To back up a little, I started out Monday morning by running 20 miles. I didn't know when else I could do it. Boy was it windy! I think at that time it was blowing at about 20 miles per hour with some higher gusts. I detest running, walking, being in the wind. Maybe it stems from one of my Ragbrai experiences when we had to petal down steep hills to keep going when we should have been able to coast. I strongly disliked it then and I sure do now!
ANYWAY, I felt good for the entire run and finished the 20 miles in 3 hours 17 minutes. I was sore that day and Tuesday. I felt pretty strong through the whole thing, even with all the steep hills that I run along the route. All I want to do since then is EAT, which is a good problem to have, but sometimes I run out of things that I actually want to consume. I'm not doing well with vegetables (could have something to do with finding a baby worm on a piece of broccoli on my plate-my stomach gets sick when I even think of it!) this week but doing good on fruit. Gotta love those fruit and yogurt smoothies! I love to eat egg whites and turkey bacon too.
We are working on several fundraisers, so keep posted.
Also, thank you to Dawna for your donation to my Paws cause! I love you, girl!
More pics later and a nice story about a big old yellow cat!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Need donations for Merry
A day in the life of an animal rescue....
Last week, a woman called Beth with Paw Prints about a cat that had gotten hit by a car the previous day. This cat, a 3 year old calico, drug herself off the road and tried to get under a fence. The lady had given her food and water, but the cat was too injured to eat or drink. When Beth got to the cat, she was in shock and very hurt. Beth took her to the vet and because Paw Prints wasn't the actual owner, the vet could only stabilize her. Then, Beth went back to where the cat was hit, and knocked on doors for several blocks in each direction to try and find the cat's rightful owner. No one claimed the cat, although Beth thinks she found the owner, but never heard from them after leaving detailed messages on their door. On Wednesday, the cat was deemed abandoned and became the property of Siouxland Paw Prints Rescue. She had surgery to repair her broken leg. She also had scratches and broken toes. I went to see her on Thursday and got a picture of her. What a feisty thing, to require this collar around her, but she had already eaten the prior bandage off her leg. She was doing well and was released on Friday afternoon to her new foster parents, who live in a quiet home where she can recover.
I am asking for donations to cover the expense of the surgery for the cat, now named Merry Christmas. Kris named her that since she will be recovered in time to have a very Merry Christmas. How sweet!
Please email me at Runningforapaws@cableone.net or call Beth at 253-4099 to make a donation. They can also be made at Pioneer Bank. All are tax deductible and so very much appreciated and needed!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Donation from Missouri River Runners
I am so proud that Siouxland Paw Prints Rescue was one of the two non-profits chosen by the directors of Missouri River Runners to receive a donation. MRR was generous enough to donate a portion of the proceeds from the Spring Thaw (or FREEZE as we all did that day!). I got word last week and met with Patty Considine and Beth Storm on Monday to receive the check. Patty also made a personal donation, which we appreciate more than we can say! So THANK YOU so much from Siouxland Paw Prints Rescue!
Here's some pictures from the Race for Hope as well. Enjoy! Be sure to check out my beefy legs in the picture of me running toward the finish line. Just click on it and it will enlarge. Makes me feel like my hard work is actually making me look like I'm in better shape!
I have so much to blog about and have run out of time for the day. Please keep checking back as there is a lot going on! Paw Prints is in full swing with rescuing all sorts of cats. They go above and beyond all the time and just don't get the recognition that they deserve (by "they" I mean Beth Storm and Kris Kava). I don't understand why the Sioux City Journal does not publish press releases from them and no one else really seems to care. Hopefully with my next blog, we can let others know what really goes into an animal rescue group.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Error in Timing
The error in the timing system for the Race for Hope was ME. I went about 2 minutes too slow for my group. What a great fast age group! Oh well, doesn't matter anyway. Just thought I would make sure you knew that I wasn't expecting something I didn't deserve. Maybe next year.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Race for Hope
The Race for Hope was this morning. For anyone who doesn't know, this race raises money for the June E. Nylen Cancer Center in Sioux City. The funds they raise will purchase things for the patients and family/friends, such as TVs for them to watch while getting chemo. What an amazing and inspiring group of people! I haven't stayed for the awards until today. I sincerely thought I would get one, but didn't. I chalk it up to an error in the timing system...but we'll see!
I finished the 15k (9.3 miles) in 1 hour 16 1/2 minutes. I felt great! I ran the first mile in 8 minutes and tried to keep the pace. A lot of the time, I was running alone, so I tended to slow down. It is on gravel as well, so I felt even better with my time. Last year, I felt absolutely terrible, so was pleased overall with my performance! When I got home, I decided to mow the yard too, so we're laying low watching football probably for the rest of the day today! So much to accomplish tomorrow....
I do have pics but they're not downloaded so will update when I can with those.
I finished the 15k (9.3 miles) in 1 hour 16 1/2 minutes. I felt great! I ran the first mile in 8 minutes and tried to keep the pace. A lot of the time, I was running alone, so I tended to slow down. It is on gravel as well, so I felt even better with my time. Last year, I felt absolutely terrible, so was pleased overall with my performance! When I got home, I decided to mow the yard too, so we're laying low watching football probably for the rest of the day today! So much to accomplish tomorrow....
I do have pics but they're not downloaded so will update when I can with those.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A great run yesterday and kittens galore!
After last week's disaster run, I was hesitant about being optimistic for my long run this past Monday. I was very careful about what I ate and drank on Sunday, and I am happy to report that my 18 mile run yesterday morning was a great success. If that doesn't speak volumes to take better care of myself before running, I don't know what does! It was nice and cool that morning and I ate a piece of bread before starting out at 4:48 am. I finished in time to take a shower and drink a smoothie on the way taking Tyler to school at 8:05 am. I think the actual finish time was 2 hours and 50 minutes, which I am very happy about. No barfing, cramping but just good ole' running! What a good feeling that my "bad" run didn't repeat itself.
I will not be doing a long run next week as the Race for Hope, a wonderful fundraiser for the June E. Nylen Cancer Center here in Sioux City, is this Saturday. I will not be wearing my Running for a Paws shirt.... This is a 9-something mile run on rocks and with the long runs this week, I am not going for time, I am going to enjoy myself. Yes, I always say that, but this time, I hope it is true! It is at the Adams Nature Preserve at McCook Lake, SD, and it is a beautiful place to be.
As for kittens, I had 4.5 as of this afternoon. Lovie is sort of a kitten, sort of an adult, so that is the reason for the ".5". She will be spayed next week as she will be 5 months old and we want to have her spayed before she gets adopted to absolutely prevent her from getting preggo and adding more kittens to the already overpopulated kitten world. She's such a darling and I hope she finds a wonderful home this time...she deserves it. She has the loudest purr ever and she curls up in Andy's lap when he studies at night.
I got two more bigger kittens this afternoon. I don't quite understand the circumstances, but they are going to be vaccinated tomorrow and will go to Petsmart this weekend and will hopefully find great homes. They're scared, but we'll give them a day and hope they realize that we are just trying to help them!
I made a mistake and let my boys watch the last part of Homeward Bound today before supper. We watched the first part last night and I thought I needed to get some consignment sale things done, so let them finish it today. I told the boys that it would end up ok, since my oldest tends to get a little emotional and cry over things that end up ok. So who was the one blubbering at the end???? ME! That's right, as the old dog crosses over the top of the hill and wags his tail all happy-like when he finally finds his boy, I just lost it! It makes me think of all the dogs waiting for their people to return but never do...they just wonder what they did wrong. Grrrr, now I feel like I need to own several acres and have all the dogs come and live with us.
Meltdown central at home so need to finish. Pictures tomorrow.
I will not be doing a long run next week as the Race for Hope, a wonderful fundraiser for the June E. Nylen Cancer Center here in Sioux City, is this Saturday. I will not be wearing my Running for a Paws shirt.... This is a 9-something mile run on rocks and with the long runs this week, I am not going for time, I am going to enjoy myself. Yes, I always say that, but this time, I hope it is true! It is at the Adams Nature Preserve at McCook Lake, SD, and it is a beautiful place to be.
As for kittens, I had 4.5 as of this afternoon. Lovie is sort of a kitten, sort of an adult, so that is the reason for the ".5". She will be spayed next week as she will be 5 months old and we want to have her spayed before she gets adopted to absolutely prevent her from getting preggo and adding more kittens to the already overpopulated kitten world. She's such a darling and I hope she finds a wonderful home this time...she deserves it. She has the loudest purr ever and she curls up in Andy's lap when he studies at night.
I got two more bigger kittens this afternoon. I don't quite understand the circumstances, but they are going to be vaccinated tomorrow and will go to Petsmart this weekend and will hopefully find great homes. They're scared, but we'll give them a day and hope they realize that we are just trying to help them!
I made a mistake and let my boys watch the last part of Homeward Bound today before supper. We watched the first part last night and I thought I needed to get some consignment sale things done, so let them finish it today. I told the boys that it would end up ok, since my oldest tends to get a little emotional and cry over things that end up ok. So who was the one blubbering at the end???? ME! That's right, as the old dog crosses over the top of the hill and wags his tail all happy-like when he finally finds his boy, I just lost it! It makes me think of all the dogs waiting for their people to return but never do...they just wonder what they did wrong. Grrrr, now I feel like I need to own several acres and have all the dogs come and live with us.
Meltdown central at home so need to finish. Pictures tomorrow.
Monday, September 7, 2009
A Pretty Terrible Long Run Today
I have never thrown up after running....until today. I don't know if it was a factor of not having the best habits over the weekend or because it was later in the day and a lot warmer than usual or what. I am not a good "warm weather" runner. Never have been and don't plan to try. I didn't think it was too warm when I left and actually, not when I got back either. I struggled to finish 17 miles in 3 hours-I walked quite a bit in the last three miles. Ugh, and after such a great feeling last week! I just assume that it was everything all in one...not preparing enough, warm weather, and afternoon running. I won't do that again. I drank some PowerAde when I got home. For some crazy reason, I got the kind that doesn't have sugar in it. I got a ball in my stomach after I downed some and then had to go barf. I did again about 15 minutes later and then was done. My wonderful hubby was nice enough to get me some real Gatorade so I drank about half of that and started eating some carbs. I feel fine now and hope that I don't go through that again! Advice is welcome.....very very welcome!
On the cat notes, all the cats are feeling better. We got Lovie back from her "owner". Evidently, she was going poo where she wasn't supposed to. We will see the state of our basement in the morning to see if she gets it here. I have five litter boxes for the cats to use. I want to be sure they know where to go and that they can't get lazy and use the floor if they're too busy playing and need to go. I hope she is fine here so we can take her back to Petsmart this weekend for our adoption fair. She is playing with the kittens that we have here so it is good for her to be in a good environment.
Well, better get some sleep. This girl is tired!
On the cat notes, all the cats are feeling better. We got Lovie back from her "owner". Evidently, she was going poo where she wasn't supposed to. We will see the state of our basement in the morning to see if she gets it here. I have five litter boxes for the cats to use. I want to be sure they know where to go and that they can't get lazy and use the floor if they're too busy playing and need to go. I hope she is fine here so we can take her back to Petsmart this weekend for our adoption fair. She is playing with the kittens that we have here so it is good for her to be in a good environment.
Well, better get some sleep. This girl is tired!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
A Labor-free Labor Day!

It was difficult to lose Sunshine. I know these things happen. Now Squiffy is pretty sick with a nasty eye which is probably related to his very bad cold. I never knew cats could be congested and get runny noses. We were gone for almost two days and had a friend check on them and give Renegade medicine for his bad eye, but sometimes they come on in a matter of hours. There's nothing more I could have done for crying out loud. I just hope he comes through it because he is a very special kitten to me and my youngest son. He says, "Mom, Squiffy is my cat and I am his boy." What could be more precious than that?
All the other kittens are doing well except for this bad eye things that is rotating. I thought we had conquered it, but evidently not with the inspection today. Ugh.
I have gotten another pledge and now I only need three more people to pledge $35 to benefit Siouxland Paw Prints Rescue. Because I want to show my dedication to SPPR, I am running the Race for Hope at the Adams Nature Preserve and the FULL Siouxland Lewis & Clark Marathon on October 17th. I will not be wearing my "Running for a Paws" shirt for the Race for Hope as this is the run for cancer and I refuse to take one tiny ounce away from what they are doing and saying for cancer for my own cause. Thank the Lord I haven't had to personally deal with cancer. Hopefully forever but you never know.
We went away to Ponca for almost two days this weekend. We saw the biggest tree I think I have ever seen (except for the one at Boone Plantation in Charleston, SC, but not sure how old that one is). The tree was a sapling in 1644. Wow! It is pictured above. I never knew that place was so pretty so I suspect we will be returning next year ready to hike. When we got home, we found the front of our house defaced by a Florida State flag. I believe I know the perp who did it and all I have to say is: I know where you live.
I made some spinach artichoke dip when we got home as well, and I have to say that it is light on the dip, heavy on the spinach. I could have done better and expect more from my culinary skills. At least we're getting our veggies in this way! Just a random thought: what is it with boys and lasers....mine are obsessed with it and I have no idea how or why.
I am not sure if I will do a long (17 mile) run on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday this week. I will get one in, but there's a lot going on. I love taking some time off and just being with my wonderful hubby and boys, so I feel that running Tuesday or Wednesday will work fine. My 3 year old will start preschool on Tuesday and we're nervous about that, but he will probably do better than I expect. I hope anyway!
More updates after that long-awaited long run!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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