Thursday, March 26, 2009

A few donations

I have to give more shout outs to some recent donors...I sincerly and dearly appreciate every single cent I get for donations.
Thanks to my Grandma Smith (who made her donation before I knew who it was going to), my husband's Grandma Kerkhoff, my Aunt Shari and Uncle Roger, Uncle Jim and Aunt Betty, Lilly Family Dentistry (you're awesome!!!), my husband's Uncle Keith, James G., and last but definitely not the least, Kathy T. Your donations mean a lot to me, no matter the amount. I appreciate it so much and thank you from the bottom of my heart....these animals are my heart and soul so I can't thank you enough for helping me to help them.

I really get confused on what to name my "Title" lines. I don't want to be redundant, but "Kitten Mania" AGAIN seems to be the best fit for today. Since yesterday morning, the three week old kittens are getting up when I come in, then they start to play with each other, then they run (as fast as three week old kittens can go) around the room, play more, then sleep again. Their mom, who my sister affectionately name Fu Man Chu because of her long pointy chin hairs, is just as cool as can be. She still goes after my cats so is in seclusion in my 'cat room'. It's big enough for the kitties but not so big that they get lost in it.
Some friends came to see the kitties today and boy, did they have a fun time (the kittens as much as the people and me). I love watching these little cats grow up and I will miss them when it's time for them to be adopted out, hopefully to people who love them as much as I do. Maybe people don't understand the love for animals.....I don't always get it myself, maybe it's safer than trying to foster humans, but I just love these little beings and wish people would take better care of their animals so more unwanted are born into the world. I don't take any of these babies for granted, mind you, but there's so many and I worry that they won't find homes.
I do also thank the people who are reading this. I do use this as sort of a venting tool, but it could provide some interesting is always welcome. My email is provided.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to pledge $5/mile that you race sissy. What you, Beth, and Kris do it so wonderful. I still can't believe what you did to help me save my dog...
